I think having twins makes you even more resourceful than having one baby. We've found keeping twins on the same schedule is key to keeping sanity. So, in order to be on the same scheudule, we have to feed them at the same time...the twins "feed themselves" sometimes. I just prop up the bottle with the blanket and they do really well like this! Believe it or not!
The babies are going on 6 weeks this week. I have to admit, I'm getting a little stir crazy in the house. We've tried to go on a few outings though. We had a very successful trip to Nonni's house last weekend, but lunch with Emily at the store did not go so well. Maybe they just need to be a little older? I'm not sure, any suggestions on how to get out of the house with twins are welcomed! We're going to try and get to the park this week with Carlie -- wish us luck!