I've been so bad about posting, but I'm a little busy these days! It is so much fun though and I'm loving every minute. We had our first Dr. appt on Monday and both babies have gained 1 pound! We were thrilled, but at the same time, I've noticed their little hands are bigger and it makes me so sad. They are already growing up! I'm trying to enjoy each and every minute of this time -- for one, I'm off of work and have time to enjoy and also, it is such a special time in their life. I'm so thankful I get to spend my days with them right now.
A special thank you to everyone that has been by and brought food. It has been a lifesaver! I've loved seeing everyone meet the twins too, it just never gets old (at least not yet). Thanks again everyone!
I'm on SGFCs news email list...when I opened up their email today they had your story in it with a link to your blog. I also had IVF at Shady Grove and became pregnant the first try. We had twin girls Jan 3rd! I live just 10 miles away from the center and never realized people came from so far away for their services! You're babies are beautiful! God Bless! Angela
Hello! My name is Deidre and I live in the Bahamas. I am 40 years old and I am a patient at Shady Grove. I am going for my first round of IVF on the 12th 13th or 14th of June - not exactly sure how the dates will work out. I was just wondering if you could just take a minute and tell me if you did acupuncture before and after embryo transfer?
Also, I want to congratulate you on the birth of your beautiful children! I was happy to read your story and I cried my eyes out all the way through your blog, especially happy tears at the ending outcome. I think my husband thought I was going off the deep end!
If you want to send an email to me to answer my question and to give me any pointers, I would appreciate it! My email address is deanodeidre@yahoo.com. I will understand if you do not get back to me because I am quite sure you have your hands full!!!!!
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